hidaridake nadegata


hidaridake nadegata

エンジニアアーティスト / engineer artist
Born in 1982 in Wakayama Prefecture. He dropped out of the Electrical Engineering Department of Wakayama National College of Technology. He creates works that incorporate the playful, the goofy, and the mundane. Currently working on digital works using solidity and javascript technology, and is interested in the possibilities of web3, operating the NFT collection「george」and the Discord server「web3 Tokiwasou」. He has been presenting his works in an unplanned manner, from analog production to incorporation of technology in digital form and its subsequent development.
役割 / discord rolls
2022 Chimney Town Dao contributor
2023 web3トキワ荘 管理人
    - web3 Tokiwa villa administrator
2023 スナックくらげ ボーイ
    - Snack Kurage boy
展示 / exhibitions
2022 Toyonaka Art Connection 作品展示参加
    - Toyonaka Art Connection Exhibitions
受賞歴 / awards
2023 WEI83 第1回ファンアート企画 女将賞
    - WEI83 1st Fan Art Proprietress Award